The Eight Mandates of the Himalia Fortress, derived from the holy teachings.
These rules are a general set of guidelines that every member must follow.
Mandate 1
Friendly discussion is promoted, malicious intent causes undue strife in the fortress. Try to avoid it.
Mandate 3
Do not build without permission. The Fortress has been planned and purpose built, ask permission before building anything. You shall be given a room to store items in.
Mandate 5
Most everyone is on an even footing in the fortress, though, do not disobey orders of an Elder if the time calls for it. Similarly, don’t lord power over another.
Mandate 7
You are free to leave whenever it strikes you but aiding those wishing to do the Monastery harm is grounds for excommunication.
Mandate 2
Many live by an Ascetic or commune based lifestyle, this is not everyone, do not take someone else's belongings.
Mandate 4
Do not antagonise external towns. Aim to peacefully advise and learn with patience, do not attack or insult another unprovoked.
Mandate 6
The Monastery is open to all but privacy is of equal importance. Give other people the space they desire.
Mandate 8
Take your personal health above that of the Monasteries. We are a group, yet a group is only as strong as its weakest link. Stay calm, happy and hydrated.