The first thing you see as you /f home to the Monastery.

The exterior market outside the walls, lively with a variety of things to buy.

A statue of the Goddess Cresseid in a courtyard made to display it.

The first thing you see as you /f home to the Monastery.
A playlist of music that is crafted to suit the Monastery. I shall update it whenever I find the songs to do so. As with the images, if you have any suggestions please use the form below.
Please feel free to use this playlist when Roleplaying, exploring the Monastery or simply reading through the site.
Click the images to the right to see a full size version. If you have any images you wish to submit use the form at the bottom of the page.
For Music and Ambience, scroll down.
These Ambiance tracks have been crafted with different areas of Himalia in mind but they can be used however you wish.